Is Good Luck Necessary?
Good luck, the magical feeling associated with an assortment of things, including the belief in the existence of a higher power or of the universe at large, are inescapable concepts in many cultures. But there is some evidence that these beliefs are not just whimsical curiosities. Instead, they are rooted in a number of scientific findings.Click here for more details about may triet long
According to 'The Power of Intuition', by Carl Jung, the notion of good fortune is founded upon 'an unconscious belief in the continuity of life, and a positive view of death'. The unconscious is believed to have a vast storehouse of stored information that the conscious mind may use in order to interpret the present world as a whole. It then interprets this information and draws conclusions about how it affects the future. If this is correct, then it stands to reason that the unconscious mind has access to information that would otherwise remain inaccessible, such as those related to past events.
The unconscious mind also has access to information that would otherwise be beyond the reach of rational explanation. For example, there are times when people have had experiences that seem supernatural, but for which they cannot explain. These experiences are known as clairvoyant experiences, and they are generally believed to occur when someone is in contact with the spirit world. This is where a person's good fortune is likely to lie.
In general, people who believe they are 'in the presence of the Gods' are more likely to be 'good than those who are less inclined to believe'. In addition to being able to see into the future, people who are in touch with their unconscious are also able to perceive and interpret events in their immediate environment. They have an ability that other people do not have: they can read the psychic energy and use it in order to influence events in the world around them.
While these are just some of the facts that have been found to support the notion of 'good luck', it is important to remember that this type of luck is not necessarily 'positive' luck. For example, if a person believes that they have achieved success in spite of themselves, they may find themselves doing things that are contrary to their good nature. Instead of seeing success as a gift from God, they may take it for granted and thus fail to take responsibility for the results that they achieve. receive.
However, it is important to note that 'good luck' does not mean that it is necessary to use it as a crutch. In fact, one can improve their circumstances through their own efforts. and persistence.
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